Each dragon uses tamed deformations to enable their long stance and large size with full BVH animation articulation. That means that the underlying avatar's skeleton is stretched to fit snugly inside the dragon's anatomy and the resulting animation is as clean as if the dragon were the size of a human avatar.
- All scripts as of v1.1 are compiled in Mono.
- Animations: 20
- Prejump, Jump, Land
- Walk, Walk Backwards, Run, Turn in Place
- Crouch, Crouch Walk, Crouch turn in place
- Fly Forward, Fly Up, Fly Down, Eagle Dive
- Swim Idle, Swim Forward (Striking the water surface at speed going down or up causes a large particle splash with audio.)
- Slamming into the ground, Getting up (A particle puff cloud appears on impact, as well as an audible THUD.)
- Sit, Away
Every available coloration comes with the dragons in the form of a HUD from which you can select pre-configured liveries. This includes the standard dragon colors such as red, blue, green, black, as well as unusual looks and realistic reptilian camouflage.
MORE INFORMATION- http://www.seawolf-monsters.com/wiki/Dragon/Dragon/
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