segunda-feira, abril 28, 2014

MESH Selena Female Outfit FashionNatic - Hud Driven


SKIN-Zoul Creations - Robyn - Tone 3 - Dk Brows -
HAIR-^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Gaia

MESH Selena Female Outfit FashionNatic - Hud Driven

This outfit contains:
* 5 sizes Rigged Mesh Baggy Shorts 
* 5 sizes Rigged Mesh Sleeveless Shirt With Top (hud option to hide the top) 
* Mesh Sneaker With Socks ( resizable + hud option to hide the socks) 
* Hud with color picker for the Top, Laces of Shoes and the Socks 
* All alpha combinations for older viewers

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